Smutty Tea for Thee

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What I am updating this month

Book 1 Merpeople of Deshari

Having lived in hiding and fear for many years following a long standing history of war, death and persecution, the merpeople of the Deshari Sea despised the dragons that lived on the land of Artaminis above them.

As a child with innocent romanticisms of a freer and less constrained life, Corentin – next in line to the throne – fought with his father about reaching out to the new generation of dragons, in the hope they could find peace. However, by the time he had reached adulthood, Corentin had no such idealisms left and understood his father’s scepticism.

Waiting only to meet his lifelong mate, to take his rightful place on the throne, Corentin felt confident in his readiness and ability to rule his people, in exactly the way his father had. However, he hadn’t anticipated his mate being a free-spirited, feisty and determined young dragon shifter. 

Kapri’s personality was everything Corentin’s father had warned him against, in both a suitable queen and life partner. To make it worse, she was the very species they had spent their entire lives hiding from. He didn’t want to desire or need her and he knew his father would never approve, yet he couldn’t let her go. 

Fated or not, some unions would and could not work. Doomed from the moment they met, their relationship screamed disaster and that was only just the beginning. Far greater troubles lay ahead, but would they battle them together or apart?

Book 2 - Wolves of Rhomantia

Princess Syndia, a bear shifter in the realm of Rhomantia, is unlike any of her kind. Unable to verbalise her thoughts, she is misunderstood by the majority of people that meet her and when out of sight of her sister, the Queen of the bears in their realm, Syndia is ridiculed for her differences. The once vibrant and affectionate girl, began to struggle to make social connections, finding interacting with others more difficult each day.  She became more withdrawn and solitary as time passed. Queen Celline, who knew nothing of the additional hardships her sister had endured, worried about Syndia’s increasingly reclusive behaviour. In a bid to try and bring back the radiant and happy sister she once knew, Celline sends Syndia across the realm to the southerly province of Noroah, where a wise Elder bear promised the Queen she could help the Princess.

Prince Paxton, is next in line for the throne. It had always been his parents’ hope that he would find his mate, settle down and rule the Kingdom. However, despite coming of age several years ago, he has yet to find his mate and has no intention of settling down. Known for his quick temper, vicious tongue and aggressive outbursts, his parents feared his ability to take over from them. His continued hostile and antagonistic behaviour, his parents decide to take drastic action. Sending Paxton away to a secret location far from their royal court and any of their kingdom’s people, they hope the solitude and wise teachings of the Mahari bears will give him the inner peace, personal growth and self discipline to become the leader he was born to be.

In an unexpected twist of fate, Syndia and Paxton find themselves situationally united because of their differences, in a realm they share but would otherwise have probably never met. Together they discover things about themselves, each other and a future neither one of them had anticipated.

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